Ludo Fantasy – How To Play Fantasy Ludo?


Ludo has been a part of our lives for centuries now. This easy-to-play game has been the reason for many times being filled with fun and enjoyment. We’ve always only played Ludo physically on a piece of board with dice and tokens.

With online gaming applications at an all-time rise, you can find almost anything and everything on the app store. Ludo is one such game that has been digitised to ensure that we all can have the same fun and enjoyment that we used to in our childhood at any time and place. Online ludo or ludo fantasy,  has been extremely popular amongst the masses, regardless of age. 

While not all that different from the traditional board game, fantasy ludo can still be tricky to navigate through. This is true, especially in the case of people who have never played such digital games before. Questions like how to play fantasy ludo must be popping into your head. Well don’t worry, this article explores all aspects of the ludo fantasy to help provide you with all the information you may need about the game.

Rules of Fantasy Ludo

The overall rules of online ludo are quite simple and easy to get a hang of. There are four houses (red, blue, green, and yellow), with 4 tokens each that collectively share the goal of getting all tokens to the centre area. The steps are taken by the number you get by rolling the dice. The game is dependent on chance but there are some rules you can keep in mind to improve your chances of winning. Listed below are all the rules you need to keep in mind while playing ludo fantasy. 

  1. Ludo fantasy game requires a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 4 players
  2. All 2/4 players roll the dice one by one, whoever scores the highest first opens the game and gets to release a token on the playing field (Every token can only get released whenever the dice rolls a six). However some platforms also allow you to open your token with any number you get on dice roll. 
  3. Once you have a token outside the starting point, you can move it in a clockwise direction only, following the numbers you roll on the dice
  4. Scoring a six in the game can get you an extra chance to roll the dice again
  5. You can cut an opponent’s token if you, by chance land on the same block as their token
  6. If your token lands on another one of your tokens, it creates a block which cannot be killed by any of your opponents
  7. You can only send an opponent’s token back to the starting point if they are on the white quadrants, tokens are safe when they land in any of the coloured blocks (called safe zones)
  8. Getting your tokens into their designated place in the centre of the board, also called ‘home,’ you gain points. Once you get the predetermined number of points, you can easily win the game
  9. Planning which token to move and when in the fantasy ludo game, strategizing and overall constantly paying attention to the patterns can provide more assurance to your win
  10. Your turn can get forfeited if you end up rolling a six three times in a chance
  11. You can win the whole game once you move all four of your tokens into ‘home’
  12. In a two-player game, there can be one winner, while in a four-player game, two people can win at once
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Withdrawing Your Ludo Fantasy Prize Money

Enjoying and having fun while playing ludo online is not all there is to the app. In today’s day and age, it has become possible for anyone to even earn money while playing such games. Listed below you’ll find some pointers on how to use and earn more money on such an app. You’ll also find the exact steps that you need to follow ludo money withdrawal while playing any of the ludo tournaments:

  1. To create an account, you have to use your email ID or mobile number for authentication purposes
  2. Through the use of referral codes, you can create private rooms to play Ludo Fantasy and earn prize money
  3. You have to go to your ‘My Account’ section on the app where you can see the option of withdrawing cash
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A classic game like ludo has been immortalised through fantasy ludo for everyone to enjoy. The game has brought about a lot of joy to folks of all ages and has been a great way to pass the time and have fun. The game itself is pretty simple to play. All you need to do is remember all of the basic ludo rules and ensure that you only invest the amount that you can afford.  

FAQ’s About Ludo Fantasy

  1. How to play fantasy ludo?

You have to download a ludo app and signup using a mobile number or email id and start playing ludo fantasy.

  1. Can ludo fantasy be played by anyone?
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Yes, anyone above the age of 18 can play real money ludo fantasy games.

  1. Where can you withdraw any of the money you win?

You can either withdraw your money directly using upi into your bank account that you have connected with your fantasy ludo account.

  1. How to win ludo fantasy?

You can win the game by understanding when and where to move your tokens at the right time.

  1. Is ludo fantasy any different from traditional ludo?

While most rules are the same for both games, you get a bonus of accessibility with the digital ludo. Since it is easily available on your smartphone, you can play the game whenever and wherever you want, which isn’t entirely possible with traditional ludo.


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